Negotiating to Buy Your Property Investment Part 5

We’ve been looking at what we need to be sure of before we agree terms on a purchase. of a property investment or buy to let property. The first thing to remember is that the only price you are interested in paying is the price that works for you. You will know how much you…


Negotiating to Buy Your Property Investment Part 4

In the last post we were considering how, in the context of negotiating, communication and active listening is essential to understand what is important to the other party when we are negotiating to buy a property investment or buy to let property. How do we know what someone really means? How do we know what…


Negotiating to Buy Your Property Investment Part 3

We’ve been looking at what you need to do to ensure you can negotiate the best possible terms and price for your property investment and buy to let properties. The most likely way of achieving a mutually satisfactory outcome is to negotiate from a position of mutual trust. And often this is most likely the…


Negotiating to Buy Your Property Investment Part 2

In the last post we talked about the pitfalls experienced by investors who go into the negotiation process of trying to buy their investment property or buy to let property without gathering all the necessary information. In fairness, sometimes it’s not their fault. Actually, it is something of a quirk of the property system in…


Negotiating to Buy Your Property Investment Part 1

Unfortunately, for some property investors the experience of buying an investment property or a buy to let property can be a bit like a jockey’s experience of running the Grand National. They carefully negotiate the hurdles of finding a property, doing their due diligence and analysis, and of obtaining a ‘decision in principle’ on the…


Seven Common Mistakes Made by Property and Buy to Let Investors Part 7

Mistake number seven – They listen to people who probably know less than them! I heard Anthony Robbins once ask his audience “If you wanted to get rich would you study poor people?” “No” came the resounding reply. “That’s right” he retorted “If you want to get rich, you need to study rich people”. That…


Seven Common Mistakes Made by Property and Buy to Let Investors Part 6

Mistake number six – They let their hearts do the figures. What do I mean by this? Well, I remember listening to a marketing guru giving a talk to a bunch of salesmen and telling them that, at a subconscious level, all decisions to purchase are based on emotion. Having decided “in their hearts” to…


Seven Common Mistakes Made by Property and Buy to Let Investors Part 5

Mistake number five – They do sloppy research. Sometimes a deal is so evidently good, that one might assume there’s little point in doing any research. However, no matter how good a deal seems to be, I’d still like to reassure myself that it is a good deal. How much research should an investor do?…
